
Jon Stewart couldn’t resist a wonderful parting shot at Fox News

When the 52-year-old New Jersey native leaves the show tonight after a remarkable 16-year run on Comedy Central, he will be showered with accolades like “conscience of a nation” and “satirist in chief”.


The laughs didn’t stop flowing during the commercial breaks on Wednesday, as Arby’s premiered its ads taking all of Stewarts insults on “The Daily Show” over the last few years and bundling them up into a two 30-second spots.

Donald Trump is the candidate version of the hot dog-crust pizza”, Stewart said in July.

Wish luck to Stewart’s successor, South African comedian Trevor Noah.

Trump is not the only one feeling the heat.

Jon Stewart has orchestrated countless epic takedowns as host of the Daily Show, but was it all for naught?

But 16 years of demolishing the rhetoric of political life and the 24/7 TV news cycle appears to have taken its toll.

I’m sure that many would say that’s untrue, that I feel that way only because Stewart and I are on the same side of the aisle.

I’m just a little tore up that we didn’t get a chance to see Arby’s spokesman, hero cop, private investigator, and Fox News loudmouth Bo Dietl in the second ad. He’s already on the payroll, get him to come in and provide a little counter balance to The Daily Show.


Stewart’s greatest contribution, however, is not to his own nobility, but rather the nobility of comedic art. It’s a common assumption that tragedy is a higher art form than comedy.

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