
Bernie Sanders Finally Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Sanders was powered by an impressive online fundraising machine that generated more than $200 million and threatened Clinton’s once overwhelming lead in the Democratic primaries with the help of college students, independents and white voters drawn to his anti-establishment message.


“The strength of the endorsement was important”, Grijalva said on Tuesday of Sanders’ decision to formally back Clinton.

Hillary Clinton will meet with Senate Democrats at a policy luncheon Thursday on Capitol Hill, a Democratic source told CNN, part of her efforts to coalesce party support around her campaign.

Watch Sanders’ speech below.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has been trying to attract Sanders’ supporters to his campaign, fired off two tweets ahead of the endorsement.

Former Sanders supporters also point to their lack of trust in Clinton as a reason they don’t want to vote for her. Though Clinton was recently cleared of criminal wrongdoing in the Benghazi and email scandals, many voters are more upset by how she handled questions about these scandals than in whether she actually committed criminal acts. When Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a Clinton supporter, told the audience, “We need to elect Hillary”, some Bernie supporters stood and shouted, “No”, which was followed by chants of “Hillary” in the crowd.

Sanders threw his support behind the presumptive Democratic nominee yesterday in a packed gymnasium at Portsmouth High School. “Sanders.
We are stronger
together…. Thank you, Bernie, for your endorsement”.

“It’s like he’s giving up if he endorses her”, said Steve Rand, a hardware store owner from Plymouth, New Hampshire, before the two candidates took the stage.

“You should know that in the weeks since the last primary, both campaigns have worked together in good faith to bridge some of the policy issues that divided us during the election”.

“The many stories of people training their replacements from some foreign country are heartbreaking”, she told Vox.

The Republican billionaire campaigned later Tuesday in IN, where his scheduled appearance with Governor Mike Pence was raising speculation that he could pick the state’s chief executive as running mate.

Trump had hit the campaign trail on Monday in Virginia Beach with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie – one of those on the vice presidential shortlist.

And he could serve as a bridge to Capitol Hill, having joined the House at the same time as Paul Ryan, the current speaker.


In the Times interview, Trump called Christie “strong” and Pence “solid as a rock”.

Poll: Clinton struggles to make inroads with young voters