
GOP draft platform will include Trump’s proposed border wall

While the gender gap remains wide, Trump gains support among men, who back him 50-29 percent, and women, who back Clinton 48-36 percent, compared to 52-34 percent in June. “We don’t have people who run for office who 100% reflect all of our views”.


“I can not and will not support Trump”, one audience member at Tuesday’s CNN Town Hall event said.

Eric Miller never thought he would become one of the three Trump-pledged delegates from the 16th district and he says he’s ready to experience something completely new by heading to the convention in Cleveland.

“Can you tell me, how can you morally justify your support for this kind of candidate?”

Ryan, the party’s 2012 vice presidential nominee, had advice for Trump as he nears a decision on a running mate.

Not supporting Trump “basically means you’re going to help elect Hillary Clinton”, Ryan said, pointing out that he’s spoken out when Trump has said things that he felt crossed a line.

“Whether you supported Donald Trump along the way or not: He. Is. Our”.

“10 seconds ago”, Ryan joked.

The speaker has frequently been drawn into the center of controversy during the presidential campaign, sometimes scolding Trump or simply keeping his distance while also encouraging the party to support Trump to avoid a Clinton win in November.

The group wrapped up drafting the plan Tuesday in Cleveland in advance of the convention there next week, when the platform will officially be voted on by the full convention’s 2,472 delegates.

John Inhulsen, chairman of the Kent County GOP and a Kasich delegate, said he’s going into the convention undecided but with an open mind. “I won’t put my thumb on the scale as to what these delegates do”. National delegation rules are voted on at the start of every convention and because this is a national convention, some inside the GOP are trying to make the argument that they aren’t tied to the state rules binding them to a candidate.

“In the balance of things, he clearly outweighs – the good clearly outweighs the things I don’t agree with”, Ryan said.

But he said many grass-roots evangelical activists don’t like either choice.

Did they sit and, as they claimed, chat about grandchildren and completely ignore the 400-pound political gorilla in the room – the always unlikely filing of any charges against Hillary Clinton? The American electorate, however, ultimately chose Trump as the guy to represent the GOP, suggesting they liked what he had to say about securing our border.

In the weeks before Republicans descended on Cleveland, the band of conservative delegates fighting against Donald Trump promised a scrappy but ardent effort to take the convention by storm.


“If I had not done that I believe I would have contributed to basically cutting our party in half and thereby by default, granting the presidency … to Hillary Clinton”. “I think in 20 years we’ll look at this as an unfortunate blot in the history of the Republican Party that there wasn’t an embrace for our brothers and sisters”. “I am Almighty God’s witness of his bias”.

GOP convention exterior