
Third case of Zika reported in Duval County by state health officials

Counties of pregnant women not disclosed.


Following the deadlock, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have accused each other of playing politics with the health crisis.

Still, officials sought to tamp down any fear about Thursday’s revelation.

Of the more than 600 cases of “definite or probable” Zika virus infection in Brazilian infants involved in the new study, more than 100 had head circumferences within the normal range, researchers reported June 29 in The Lancet. They explained that what’s sorely needed is a definitive test for Zika infection.

Friday’s case marks Ohio’s 21st instance of the virus, Owens said.

No residents of Trumbull and Columbiana counties have tested positive for Zika, Amato said.

Sweeney says in the two local Zika cases, the symptoms have resolved and the individuals are doing fine.

Scott directed state Surgeon General Celeste Philip to oversee distribution of the money to county health departments and local mosquito districts.

“The concern for a widespread mosquito outbreak in the not high”, Freedman said.

President Barack Obama says a vaccine for the Zika virus could be developed in “fairly short order” if Congress acts quickly to pass a bill to prevent the spread of the disease. They also recommend getting rid of containers of standing water where mosquitos may lay eggs. Only one in five people who acquire the disease show symptoms, however. They are usually mild and last up to a week.

Severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon, but there is an association between Zika virus and certain birth defects, such as microcephaly, and Guillain-Barre, a condition that attacks the immune system and can cause paralysis.

Use an EPA registered repellent, but refrain from using it on babies younger than two-months-old.

In addition to possible spread through infected blood or sexual contact, the Zika virus can be passed from a mother to her baby during pregnancy or birth.


Neighboring counties have mosquito control departments as well.
