
When new British PM Theresa May was confused for a porn star

While Theresa’s appointment has been hailed as a progressive development for Britain, the whole thing has gotten overshadowed by a rather embarrassing turn of events. The internet went insane after confusing Theresa May who is set to take over as the next Prime Minister for a porn actress and nude model Teresa May!


So how did the confusion begin? The H-less May is a “lingerie model” who has been using the new-found publicity as means to sell autographed underwear, and the other is an Oxford graduate, with the new-found responsibility of stabilising a post-Brexit UK.

When, Teresa started receiving mails for interviews and #TeresaMay hashtag was started trending on twitter the porn star took to Twitter and wrote: ” I find it quite amusing how many people think I’m #TheresaMay the Prime Minister. She also started enjoying her new fandom as her followers skyrocketed to 11.1K.

Many have confused Theresa May, Britain’s home secretary who is set to take over for David Cameron as prime minister, for Teresa May – no H – a porn actress and nude model in the United Kingdom.

However some Britons were keen on the idea of having a sexy prime minister.

Teresa then took to Twitter to issue clarifications.

No matter how large the confusion, we can nearly count on Teresa May to be a politician some day.


She’s already denouncing the media.

Image Courtesy twitter