
Cleveland to provide security briefing on GOP convention

“Now is the time to stand united as Republicans”, Priebus said in a speech Wednesday to the party’s leadership gathered in Cleveland ahead of next week’s national convention.


Or to choose the lesser of two evils.

CLEVELAND-The Republican Party Platform approved by the Platform Committee this week in Cleveland adopted Donald Trump’s call for a security wall on America’s southern border as part of the solution to the nation’s broken immigration system, as well as safeguarding national security.

“I’m proud of the work the delegates have done in drafting our Party’s platform for the 2016 Republican National Convention”, said Priebus.

North Dakota Republican Committeeman Curly Haugland, a leader of the “Unbound Delegates” movement, contends that party rules allow delegates to vote their consciences. “Simply put there’s a threshold anyone who walks into the Oval Office must pass and I don’t think Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump pass that threshold”, he said. Without rules committee support or a minority report, they have no viable way to ask the convention to “unbind” delegates.

“We haven’t had this kind of contentiousness at a Republican convention in a generation”, said Ben Dworkin, a political science professor at Rider University. Said Bradly Barker, a GOP alternate for Cruz. But Ryan said Trump is more likely to advance conservative principles than Clinton, and could make the next Supreme Court appointment. She says she she has the 28 votes on the 112-member committee she needs to push the issue to the floor.

Rich Nordstrom was elected to be a delegate for Donald Trump by nearly 25,000 voters in Illinois’ 17th Congressional District. Most states bind delegates for one ballot.

Delegates Unbound – the campaign operations arm of the group Free The Delegates – had vote-counters set up in delegations for 30 states, as of Monday afternoon.

The Convention Rules Committee will meet tomorrow to discuss whether to amend the rules on how delegates may vote.

“If 10 percent of the delegates don’t show up or don’t get viable replacements or valid replacements, I think his nomination could be in jeopardy”, Brady said. “My mother was the president of the Right to Life Association in the state of Rhode Island”, Flynn told Steve Doocy on Tuesday’s “Fox & Friends”.

Republican vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan held an evening rally at Lee County Sports Complex Soccer Field in Fort Myers, Florida on Thursday, October 17, 2012, after comedian Dennis Miller entertained the crowd and Florida Attorney General…

“In the balance of things, he clearly outweighs – the good clearly outweighs the things I don’t agree with”, Ryan said.


“It is not my job as chairman of the convention to tell the delegates how to run their convention”, the speaker said.

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