
Fox News Benches Newt Gingrich Amid VP Speculation

Donald Trump’s potential running mate Newt Gingrich still owes money on his last presidential campaign, according to The Daily Beast.


Trump has said he’s looking for an experienced politician to be his running mate, and with 20 years in Congress under his belt, Gingrich fits that description. “We are at a stage, we can look you in the eye and say yes, I’m being vetted”, Gingrich said in an interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren.

What do U think – is Donald Trump really gonna choose Newt Gingrich as his running mate?!

“I will make my mind up over the next three to four days”.

“FOX News Channel has mutually agreed to suspend its contributor agreement with Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich effective immediately”, Fox said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. Therefore, we can not be that shocked that Fox News chose to cut ties with him for the time being.

Let’s face it, if actual propriety has so little standing at Fox News, how much less does the appearance of propriety matter? “They’re going to want to dominate the weekend news with the vice presidential selection”, he theorized.

It seems unlikely that Gingrich or the Trump campaign would tip off Fox executives to the pick – and then greenlight a public announcement about the suspension of the contract. But many are taking this news as a reason to bump Gingrich up to the top of the vice-presidential contenders list.

“We’ve come a fair distance – we have a black mayor of Atlanta, and have had a series of them”, added Gingrich, who spent his high school years in a segregated part of Georgia. First, Gingrich clearly has the requisite experience to be vice president and to be president if called upon.


There was also some chatter yesterday about Clinton’s team vetting former NATO Supreme Allied Commander James Stavridis, a retired four-star Navy admiral, though by the end of the day, Democratic insiders were downplaying his odds of making the party’s ticket.

Newt Gingrich speaks during an American Solutions rally Thursday Oct. 21 2010 in Las Vegas