
Trump pulls ahead of Clinton in key battleground states

We are watching it become the Party of Trump.


“Yes, we do need to listen to those who say black lives matter”.

She talked about last week’s killing of five police officers in Dallas as well as the police-involved killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, and called for criminal justice reform, policing reforms and gun control. She addressed these incidents and other race-related deaths in Springfield. As the 16th president of the United States, he went on to guide the country through most of the Civil War.

Clinton’s argument throughout the speech – delivered with the help of a teleprompter – was that Trump is not only fueling divisions in the country but was doing so to power his campaign.

Clinton leads in nearly every demographic, expect with men, with whom Trump holds a very slight (within the margin of error) lead. She told the Washington Post earlier this year that she “shouldn’t have used those words”.

In Florida, Trump leads by three points-42 to 39; in Pennsylvania, Trump leads by two points-43 to 41; and in OH, both candidates are tied at 41 percent.

But Clinton hit out much harder at Trump, rounding on him for “stoking mistrust and pitting American against American”. According to RCP, Florida (Trump 44.2% to Clinton 44%), Ohio (Clinton 43.3% to Trump 42%) and Pennsylvania (Clinton 45.5% to Trump 42.3%) are almost evenly divided between the two candidates.

After a disastrous Federal Bureau of Investigation report last week about Clinton’s handling of government emails as secretary of state, a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released Wednesday found the Democrat slipped in three crucial states.

Meanwhile, a NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll in Pennsylvania also released Wednesday showed Clinton with a solid lead there.

Hillary Clinton has a 13-point lead over Donald Trump, according to 404 voters asked by phone this week who they would vote for in November. Trump on the other hand said “Thank You” on twitter.


Clinton continues to have a lead in OH voters’ view of her preparedness to be president and her intelligence, while voters view Trump as more honest and trustworthy than Clinton. Its latest poll had margin of error of about 3 percentage points. Clinton had trust issues with the Benghazi controversy, and the email server issue just raised more questions from voters. In Florida, 50 percent to 37 percent; in OH, 47 to 37 percent; and in Pennsylvania, 49 percent to 34 percent.

Poll shows Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton in Florida