
Fox Polls: Hillary Leads Trump in Virginia, Colorado

Clinton has the same share of support in Virginia, 44 percent, while Trump is doing slightly better at 37 percent.


Republican Donald Trump has pulled ahead of Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton in Florida and Pennsylvania in a Quinnipiac Poll that includes responses from after the Federal Bureau of Investigation released its findings on Clinton’s email use.

While she sought to strike a presidential tone, Clinton also did something of a political pivot.

“In Florida, Donald Trump is getting only 21 percent of the non-white vote”, Peter A. Brown, the Quinnipiac poll’s assistant director, said in a statement.

Quinnipiac also found Trump and Clinton running neck-and-neck in Florida and OH as well. Sanders failed to add language explicitly opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, but that issue is thorny because even though Clinton has also come out against it, President Barack Obama favors the deal.

Nationally, Clinton leads Trump by 13 percentage points, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday.

Mona Chalabi of The Guardian has pointed out potential flaws in the study, writing: “The fact that individuals were asked to state their preferences to a stranger over the phone might have meant that some were reluctant to disclose their intentions openly (in particular, former Sanders [supporters] who plan on switching to Trump)”. “So I recognize I have to do better, too”.

He bests her on the economy (47-43 percent), illegal immigration (47-43 percent), government spending (46-40 percent), and terrorism (45-43 percent).

Sanders hesitated to weigh in on the fight between U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Trump. Similarly, 19 percent of voters in Virginia say they aren’t sure, won’t vote or are voting for someone else. Almost two-thirds ranks Supreme Court nominations at the same level (64 percent).

“Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of Donald Trump’s supporters”, said Clinton.

Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton are likely to be nominated as their parties presidential nominees at their respective conventions in the coming weeks.

“Time after time, no one was held accountable”, she said.

The Quinnipiac poll was conducted by telephone with people who identified as registered voters.

A Sanders spokesman confirmed Wednesday that yes, Sanders is still an active candidate for president. The RCP rolling average has Trump up 0.2 points on Clinton head-to-head, and up 0.8 points in a four-way race.

As for Clinton’s running mate, Sanders said he doubted he would be on her ticket, but that he planned to help her campaign, nonetheless.

This video includes images from Getty Images and Nick2253 / CC BY SA 3.0 and clips from Fox News, RT, NBC, C-SPAN, CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox News via the Young Turks, Donald J. Trump for President Inc.


Both Ohio and Pennsylvania are still within the poll’s margin of error-as they have been in previous polls-so the only major change is in Florida, USA Today reports.

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