
Top House Democrat urges colleagues to oppose GOP Iran bills

On July 14, 2015, the US plus six other world powers and Iran finalized nearly two years of negotiations on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.


The deal between Iran and Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States limited Tehran’s atomic program in return for the lifting of some global sanctions, which took effect in January. Lawmakers have already voiced opposition to doing nuclear-related business with Iran, and have criticized the Obama administration for failing to provide them with specific details on the sale.

Obama further said that the U.S. must be able to take Iran’s heavy water, otherwise it could be stored by Tehran and used for arms in the future. Before the deal was struck, the timeframe for Iran to “break out” toward a bomb was a couple of months.

“Iran does not have access to the US financial system, but the deal did not look to block Iran’s use of dollars outside the financial system”, he said. But IAEA monitors have found the country so far has complied, including shipping the bulk of its enriched uranium to Russian Federation.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, has said his country “will set fire to the deal”, if the US breaks it first.

From Iran’s perspective, unless the United States takes more concrete steps to make European banks feel confident about engaging in commerce with Iran, the Iranian people will begin to view the nuclear deal as one-sided. The U.S. and its partners – Britain, China, France, Germany and Russian Federation – say that is enough time to discover the effort and intervene.

He pointed to remarks of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that Iran will not accept removal of nuclear related sanctions if the US continues to fabricate allegations of human rights violations by Iran.

Critics say Iran has also used commercial airliners to supply its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah, a US -designated foreign terrorist organization and a sworn enemy of USA ally Israel. Business and political leaders are visiting the country, which is also hosting trade conferences. “They see it as leading to more foreigners coming to Iran and “spoiling” the country from within”. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has tried to offer assurances that the United States will not interfere with legitimate commerce between Iran and the rest of the world, but his pledges ring hollow.

The newly revealed timeline for the deal is reportedly raising concerns in Capitol Hill. Republican candidate Donald Trump has promised to tear it up if he is elected on November 8.

Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers is holding a year after it was agreed but more needs to be done to ensure its full implementation, a top Iranian negotiator said Wednesday. He said that when the deal was being negotiated, Iranians asked for tangible guarantees that foreign financial institutions would reenter the Iranian market and gross domestic product would increase.

The U.S. bragged after the deal that it secured a key concession: Prolonging a United Nations ban on Iranian missile development by eight years.

Deal supporters said the agreement was the best way to defuse a dispute over Iran’s nuclear program that threatened further Middle East destabilization.

And with only six months left of the Obama administration, the deal’s continued success largely depends upon the attention it receives from the next president, Davenport said.

Iran may also change leadership, with moderate President Hassan Rouhani up for reelection next year.


Under fire in Congress over plans to sell commercial aircraft to Iran, Boeing vice-chairman Ray Conner said Sunday that if the company was prevented from going ahead with the multi-billion dollar deal, then so too should other aircraft manufacturers.

Nuclear Deal Iran sought WMD technology in Germany