
Clinton continues to lead Trump in latest Marquette University Law School poll

Additionally, Trump tied Clinton in OH in the new poll, as both got 41 percent of the support.


In Pennsylvania, Trump leads 43 percent to Clinton’s 41 percent, also within the margin of error.

Most young voters in the USA believe presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is racist and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton can’t be trusted, according to a new poll.

“While there is no definite link between Clinton’s drop in Florida and the U.S. Justice Department decision not to prosecute her for her handling of e-mails, she has lost ground to Trump on questions which measure moral standards and honesty”, Brown said in comments accompanying the poll results.

“It’s very revealing to show how much appetite there might be for somebody other than the Democrat and the Republican”, Franklin said. Voters under age 50 prefer Clinton, 51% to 26%. Feingold had a 4-point edge among registered voters in last month’s poll.

Hillary Clinton has a double-digit lead in Colorado in a Monmouth University poll out Wednesday.

That’s tighter than the previous poll in June, which showed Clinton ahead 42-35 percent among likely voters.

In a three-way race, Feingold had 45 percent, Johnson 38 percent and Libertarian Phil Anderson had 8 percent among registered voters.

The NBC/WSJ/Marist poll was conducted July 5-10 and surveyed 822 registered voters in Iowa, 848 registered voters in OH and 829 registered voters in Pennsylvania. Of those, 655 were determined to be likely voters. In most other polls, Trump is seen unfavorably by a larger share of poll respondents. It had a margin of error of 3.4 percentage points for all three states.

Clinton cited Trump’s comments against Muslims, Mexicans and women, before recounting an interview he gave to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday in which the real estate mogul born into wealth said he can relate to the struggles of black Americans because “even against me, the system is rigged”. In this case, Trump leads in Florida by five points, in Pennsylvania by seven points, and in OH by one point.


The most popular candidate among young voters is Independent Sen. In June, 49 percent had a favorable opinion, 32 percent unfavorable and 18 percent were unable to say.

Marquette Poll: Clinton holds lead over Trump in Wisconsin