
Kharghar girl wins Special Olympics gold

Trained to swim since the age of 10 at a special school in CBD, her family has been very supportive of her development.


Three local athletes flew into Comox on Tuesday morning with big smiles and bright medals earned at the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles, Calif.

Awtar Singh and Sukhdeep Kaur, founders of Sonari-based Jeevika who were invited as special guests at the Games, also expressed happiness at the performance. Filip, who suffers from Down Syndrome, also competes against healthy athletes, he is sometimes faster than them and recently won an Extreme Cowboy Race competition, according to his father, quoted by Sme daily.

TSN will be airing a re-cap/highlights show on the 2015 Special Olympics World Games this Friday, August 7 at 8 p.m. PST.

“They shine every time, and they have shone this year too”.

Indian athletes won 47 medals in athletics, which was the main contribution to the medal’s tally. “Our players worked hard at both the national camps and at the JRD Tata Sports Complex”. And they’re saying that, ‘Yeah when we go back, our parents will be proud, ‘ or, ‘Our classmates won’t bully us anymore… “In just two weeks, they’ve changed”.


As Samson tells it, most of the athletes can’t communicate verbally, so to express themselves physically in the name of sport is an experience that takes them beyond their disability.

From left to right,rhythmic gymnasts Rebecca Amador and Jeannie Garriss both of Albuquerque represented New Mexico in the World Games for Special Olympics held in July and August in Los Angeles