
Trump to announce VP pick Friday in New York

Trump has been meeting with potential running mates in recent weeks, including Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Trump, joined by daughter Ivanka and sons Donald Jr. and Eric Trump, had breakfast with Pence and his wife, Karen, on Wednesday at the governor’s residence in Indianapolis.


Gingrich was full of praise for Pence and said he could be a “stabilizing force” for Republicans who are “jittery” about Trump.

The plan was reportedly hatched after an unexpected dinner with Pence and Trump following the Westfield rally.

Whether he would add anything to the Trump ticket, however, appears to be the biggest argument against Sessions as VP.

Young said the Gingrich “did more than anyone for the Republicans to become the majority party for the first time in 40 years”.

Mr Trump told The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday he was looking for a “fighter skilled in hand-to-hand combat” as his second-in-command, but had not seen enough of Mr Pence to measure his fight.

“Pence would be a very good pick from the standpoint of having federal and state government experience, and also he has been a card-carrying member of the conservative movement his whole life”, Black said.

It’s perhaps not the most stellar group, but Trump isn’t entirely to blame for that.

Tony Zirkle, an attorney from Crown Point, Ind., who was at the rally Tuesday, said he liked Pence but that Trump might see his social conservatism as a liability. The Trumps and Pences dined together at the Capital Grille in Indianapolis staying past midnight.

Pence told reporters Wednesday he was “honored by the attention” and the “opportunity to get to know this good man and his family”. But voting Trump’s unpredictability note: “This is Trump we are talking about”. The billionaire is entering the final phase of his search for a running mate.

Pence compared Trump to former president Ronald Reagan and touted his ability to lead the country.

“Trump has staked his candidacy on revolutionary change in Washington and there is no one being considered who has actually achieved revolutionary change like Newt Gingrich”, said Rick Tyler, a former spokesman for Gingrich. On Fox, Gingrich pulled back the curtain on his two-and-a-half hour sit-down with the presumptive Republican nominee, and putting himself in Trump’s shoes, explained various reasons why Pence might get chosen instead. Sources tell ABC News that Trump views Sessions as an adviser, not so much a vice presidential candidate.

Some donors are pressuring Trump to pick Gingrich as his vice president. “It’s not done until it’s done”, the source said.

Blackwell is the former mayor of Cincinnati and OH state treasurer.

The strongest argument for Christie, in his camp’s mind: He’s the most effective attack dog – a quality he’s proven in speeches and on the presidential primary debate stage.

“It’s obviously out there and it doesn’t help”. Thats according to a person familiar with Trumps thinking, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to discuss the vetting process.


“Not a peep in days”, says the source. Fox News has suspended his contributor agreement as Trump settles on his VP choice.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Shares Details About Private Meeting With Trump As VP Rumors Swirl