
Clinton continues to lead Trump

FILE – Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump delivers a speech in Virginia Beach, Virginia, July 11, 2016.


Clinton’s speech came just a day after she picked up the long-awaited endorsement from her chief primary rival, Bernie Sanders, and just days before the start of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week.

Forty-seven per cent of Trump’s supporters consider him only slightly or not at all civil, 39 per cent say he’s slightly or not at all likable and 31 per cent say he’s only slightly or not at all qualified.

This video includes images from Getty Images and Nick2253 / CC BY SA 3.0 and clips from Fox News, RT, NBC, C-SPAN, CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox News via the Young Turks, Donald J. Trump for President Inc. What do they want?

In response, Clinton assured the crowd that she would be pushing forward the issues that Sanders prioritised in his own campaign, such as combating climate change, enforcing regulations on Wall Street and raising the minimum wage. It’s the site of Lincoln’s famous address in 1858.

Clinton is not the first to reach for Lincoln’s legacy.

“I believe that our future peace and prosperity depends on whether we meet this moment with honesty and courage”, Clinton said.

“I personally know that I have work to do on this front”, she said in Chicago last month.

If Hillary Clinton won, I’d probably consider suicide. “But all these things can be true at the same time”.

Clinton doesn’t fare much better: If she’s elected president, 48 per cent say they would be afraid and 46 per cent say they would feel regretful.

The former US senator also mentioned the shooting of black teen Laquan McDonald by white Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, who was charged with murder in the October 2014 shooting just before the release of video last November. He’s still favored by men, and her lead with women has gotten smaller.

And it was this military weapon that allowed him, Mrs Clinton said, to outgun the police. As the 16th president of the United States, he went on to guide the country through most of the Civil War.

“His campaign is as divisive as any we’ve seen in our lifetimes”.


It’s not all bad news for Trump, however, even if the results point to a dispiriting racial divide. In a country so bitterly divided on gun legislation “it can feel impossible to have the conversations we need to have to fix what’s broken.” she said.

Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks on race relations and policing at the Old State House