
Pokemon Go Unable To Authenticate: Nice Try

Now, a week after first launching in the US, Australia and New Zealand, it’s become available in the United Kingdom on Google’s Play Store – where the number of downloads are displayed – and the Apple app store.


All you need to do is download and install an Android Emulator, drag and drop the APK file into it and there you go.

“You can now download Pokemon Go in Germany from the App Store“.

Open the Connected Apps tab of the settings menu for the Google account linked to the Pokemon Go app.

Wednesday’s German launch had prompted speculation that a wider European launch was around the corner, but developer Niantic had yet to confirm anything, making Thursday’s release a welcome surprise.

Pokemon Go remains hugely popular around the world despite the early problems with the server crashing because of the sheer number of players.

As we all know, the first version of any app is quite unstable and buggy, so you can expect improvements in stability with this new Pokemon GO iOS update. The mobile app has taken us by storm and the momentum isn’t over just yet – so far Pokemon Go is only available in a handful of countries including the U.S., Australia and New Zealand!

All of this will be sweet music to Nintendo’s ears, a company which has seen its shares skyrocket in the last few days adding a staggering $9 billion to the company’s value alone. Second, you sign up as normal on the initial screen either using your Google account or a Pokemon Trainer Club account.

Of course that hasn’t stopped the game from enjoying its fair share of controversy. The technique that the kidnapper uses is to lure “Pokemon Go” players in the promise of finding Pokemon to secluded places and then robbing them on gun point. You’ll have to be level 5 to fight at a gym.


In the augmented reality game, players travel around the real world to capture and train creatures known as Pokémon – the most famous of which is Pikachu.

Pokemon Go critters could disappear in Ireland- along with your progress!