
Pokemon Go officially out now and available for download

The anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church in the U.S. is the location of a “gym” in the game, and players planted a pink “Clefairy” Pokemon called Love is Love there.


The Pokemon Go is available on Google Playstore and Apple’s App Store in the US, Japan and Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, India, Singapore, Germany, Taiwan, Indonesia and Britain.

It is believed that “Pokemon Go” will soon outpace social sites like Twitter in terms of apps being used every day.

This will complete the process and Pokemon Go will now only have Basic access to your Google account.

Pokemon Go is not, unlike most free-to-play games, out to bilk you slowly out of cash. It’s also worth noting that even Japan, the homeland of Pokemon, doesn’t have access to the game yet.

The game’s release comes despite calls from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to introduce safety features before making it available to United Kingdom users.

The game’s release confirms the rumour earlier in the week that the game’s release was just “days away”.

Stay Smart Online says people should install antivirus software onto their smartphone or tablets and people who like testing new apps should get a specific smartphone for the job.

Pokemon Go-which challenges players to catch Pokemon in the real world and is also pretty handy for selling pizza-launched last week and has become a phenomenon.

The game’s unprecedented popularity has caused Nintendo’s stock to soar.

Of course that hasn’t stopped the game from enjoying its fair share of controversy. So, the franchise is popular to begin with, and the ubiquity of smartphones makes a game that brings together game play, smart phone technology and the real world environment a natural next step in the game and smart phone evolution.

In another instance, players following digital lures within the game were directed to a sex shop.


Once in charge other players can then head to that gym and try and win control from you.

Pikachu goes to Washington: Is 'Pokemon Go' a fun new craze, or proof we've all gone mad?