
Clinton Slams Trump for Promoting ‘Anti-Semitic Image’

“When kids are scared by political candidates and policy debates, it’s a sign something has gone badly wrong”, Clinton said.


Urging a return to civility in politics, the former Secretary of State admitted that she too may have contributed to its disintegration.

In her speech, Clinton rattled off a series of attacks against her GOP rival, calling Trump “dangerous”, “divisive”, “fear-mongering” and “pitting American against American”. In Pennsylvania, the poll showed Trump with 43 percent to Clinton’s 41 percent of 982 voters surveyed. He said his focus is on helping Clinton win.

During previous speeches, Clinton tried to associate Republicans with the controversial Trump.

“That’s not just a huge loss for our democracy; it is a threat to it”, she said, “because Donald Trump’s campaign adds up to an ugly, unsafe message to America”. “They want to know how to make a good living and how to give their kids better lives and opportunities”.

After his initial post Bothwell responded to some commenters who questioned whether he was being extreme and who said Clinton had agreed to incorporate some of Sanders’ positions.

Springfield, Ill. – Hillary Clinton is embracing the symbolism of Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech, arguing that the nation needs to fix its divisions after a series of high-profile shootings. It’s also where President Barack Obama launched his bid for the White House, outside on a frigid day in February 2007. “Despite our best efforts and highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished”, she said.

“She understands the ills and the plight of the people”, Walker said.

Discussing last week’s police shootings of black men Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, which were followed by the assassination of five black police officers in Dallas, Ms Clinton called for continued reforms to policing and the criminal justice system.

The former USA senator also mentioned the shooting of black teen Laquan McDonald by white Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, who was charged with murder in the October 2014 shooting just before the release of video last November.

Quinnipiac also had Trump up by three points in Florida, a significant change from its poll of a month ago that represented a double-digit uptick for the Republican.

Clinton acknowledged that she has made some missteps on race.

She noted her involvement in that process, before launching into an offensive against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

“The challenges we face today do not approach those of Lincoln’s time”, Clinton said at the Old State Capitol in downtown Springfield, where Lincoln served as a state representative and delivered one of his most famous speeches while running for U.S. Senate.

At one point she offered a dire warning about what Trump might do with the powers of the presidency.

It’s not all bad news for Trump, however, even if the results point to a dispiriting racial divide.

“At times like these, we need a president who can help pull us together, not split us apart”, Mrs Clinton said.

“This man is the nominee of the party of Lincoln”.

The Democratic “unity” announcement came just two weeks before the party’s national convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Clinton also raised campaign cash Wednesday in a private Wilmette event hosted by Laura Ricketts, who is part of the family that owns the Cubs.

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