
The Republican Party fights back

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says it was “totally inappropriate” for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to criticize Donald Trump.


It depends on who you ask. This led one anti-Trump figure to express alarm that supporters of the candidate were comparing him to Jesus. Both proposed measures are aimed at Trump, who has not released his returns and won many independent votes in the Republican primaries.

“In the current uncertain environment nationwide, we are concerned for police officers who would be charged with protecting our marchers and advocates as well as for the safety and well-being of our march participants”, Michael Weinstein and Tracy Jones, with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, said in a statement.

Donald Trump presents himself as the “law and order” candidate for president and his country as a land of lawlessness and disorder.

In his answer, Ryan never disputed Marcone’s characterization of Trump as “openly racist”.

Game over, right? Apparently not … Under Ryder’s interpretation, for example, Florida’s 99 GOP delegates have no choice but to follow a Republican Party of Florida rule that binds them to March 15 primary victor Trump for the first three convention ballots. “That’s what people sent them to do”, Covey told 12News. Chris Christie – to win the GOP primary.

What neither party wants is a spectacle such as what occurred at the Democrats’ convention in Chicago in 1968.

Will they be able to pull it off?

“We’re faced with what feels like a no-win situation if we go forward with Hillary and Donald Trump”, said Wendy Day, who previously worked the campaign for Trump’s rival Ted Cruz, and is headed to the convention as a Cruz delegate. Some want the rules committee to “unbind, ” or free, the delegates so they can back anyone, undermining his nomination.

The case to reinstate her appears to be an isolated one and not related to efforts by a coalition of anti-Trump delegates to increase their power and force an open contest for the nomination at the convention.

Establishment mouthpiece echoed these pronouncements, referring to the Virginia court ruling as “a conscience allowance, and it’s a big deal”. Trump not only attained the required 1,237 delegates to become the nominee of the party but also exceeded that number by more than 300.

Dumping the party’s presumptive presidential nominee is a longshot. “And they have to take that seriously”, he said.

Guess we will find out next week …

She said it was especially damaging the party with young people to be fighting so stridently to maintain what she called “very hurtful, very mean-spirited” language including declaring families without a married mother and father to be damaging to society and to children.

Trump outlined 10 ways he would change the department. “It would be harder to not nominate him and deal with those consequences versus all other options”. I think we need to leave it like it is and let the delegates vote as they were bound to do. President Barack Obama told us he’d have our troops out of the Middle East.

Some, but not all, states have laws requiring convention delegates to vote according to their presidential primary results on at least the first ballot. “I haven’t seen over many months that he will mount a serious challenge to the Democratic nominee”. Should delegates faithfully represent their states? Is “the will of the people crap?” .


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A protester's sign reads 'Dump Trump&#039 during a campaign rally for Donald Trump president and chief executive officer of Trump Organization Inc