
Two men fell down a cliff playing ‘Pokemon Go,’ firefighters say

A MI man playing Pokemon Go was led to an unconscious driver in her still-moving vehicle on July 11, 2016, police said. Police say the men got distracted while trying to catch Pokemon.


Two men were looking for Pokemon in California beach town, Encinitas near San Diego when they fell 40-90 feet in their quest for the virtual characters.

Both men – whose ages and identities were not disclosed – suffered moderate injuries, according to Pupping, and were taken to the trauma center at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla for treatment. “It’s not worth your life”.

Ford said the fall took place near the edge of Fourth and F streets in Encinitas; above is a Google Maps picture of that area. Instead, they think he happened to run into them there.

He urged everyone else playing the game to realize what’s more important than catching fictional characters: staying alive. “Pay attention to your surroundings”, he said.

Two former Marines playing the game in Fullerton on Tuesday helped nab a man who was wanted in connection with attempted murder in Sonoma County.

Emergency personnel with the Encinitas Fire and Marine Safety Department responded at about 1:10 the E Street overlook to perform a cliff rescue of the men, according to Encinitas fire Marshal Anita Pupping.


But in the world of Pokemon, it’s not crime all the time. “I have no idea who put the stop – if it was sabotage – because we don’t want kids showing up here”.

Two Men Fell Off a Cliff While Playing Pokémon Go in San Diego