
Trump leans toward Indiana governor

Dave: Jill, your traditional analysis of how Democrats thinking of voting for Trump will react to the Pence pick completely misses the point.


“I’ve been looking forward to a showdown between Mike Pence and John Gregg”, Errington said.

(AP Photo/Michael Conroy, File).

Asked what his gut feeling was, Gingrich told CNN that he “would not be at all surprised if it was Pence”.

Pence sometimes describes himself as “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order”.

Trump campaigned with Pence in IN this week, and the governor was the only one of the three finalists who introduced Trump to the crowd.

In order to choose Pence, Trump had to make a decision by noon on Friday, the deadline for the IN governor to drop his bid for re-election.

Updated at 7:34 p.m. ET: Donald Trump has postponed the announcement of his running mate due to the deadly truck attack in Nice, France.

Pence backed tougher abortion measures; opposed efforts to undo a state ban on same-sex marriage; and was slow to allow public health officials to implement a needle-exchange program when an HIV epidemic erupted among drug users in a rural in county.

The stunning announcement raised questions about the status of Trump’s selection process. Trump said following Pence’s introduction. The Republican National Convention begins Monday in Cleveland.

But Trump’s likely selection of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is bound to provoke the ire of many leaders in Silicon Valley, 70 of whom aligned against an anti-LGBT measure that Pence signed into law past year.

Pence introduced Trump at a stump speech outside of Indianapolis on Tuesday, where he attacked presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, calling her dishonest and untrustworthy. Trump’s wife, Melania, and all four of his adult children will speak.

Sources say Pence, who faced a Friday deadline to make a decision, will not run for re-election.

For Pence, the decision came just in time. Gingrich, the fiery Republican who helped define the political battles of the 1990s, told The Associated Press that Trump was supposed to let him know something in the afternoon.

It became clear that Trump was warming to the prospect of selecting Pence in recent days, since he spent time with him in his home state of in on Tuesday and Wednesday. He will be making a decision in the future…

Gingrich said he also talked “at length” with several senior Trump officials.

But he faces the challenge of relinquishing his re-election bid for Trump’s offer because IN law does not encourage seeking two offices at the same time. IN law stipulated he had to decide by Friday whether he wanted to run for governor or for vice president, as he can not run for both. However, the documents have not been filed, according to the Republican, who insisted on anonymity because that person was not authorized to publicly discuss Pence’s plans. However, those documents have not been filed. It sort of checks all the boxes that Donald Trump might want to check ideally so it makes sense but that’s not Donald Trump.

Unlike Gingrich, who voiced early support for Trump, Pence was a relative late-comer to the New Yorker’s campaign. “It is seen as a cautious choice”, the daily said.

Each of Trump’s top contenders would add significant political experience to the GOP ticket. But the move alienated some moderates in the party.

The Indy Star headline read “Trump picks Pence as running mate”. He actively flirted with a 2016 run, putting in appearances at numerous candidate cattle-calls that dotted the political calendar a year ago.

Gingrich, who has been active on the social media venue, hosted a Facebook Live event with Trump earlier this month.

So, too, has Christie.


Mike Pence: endorsed Ted Cruz but now backs Trump.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence speaks during the Innovation Showcase Thursday