
Woody Allen Told Kristen Stewart Not To Walk Like A Sailor

All eyes are on Kristen Stewart once again, as she breaks new ground with Equals and Cafe Society, which was both written and directed by Hollywood legend Woody Allen, but Stewart reveals that her experience with Woody wasn’t at all what she expected. And so I just wasn’t sure. Parts of the film could be outtakes from “Radio Days” or “Crimes and Misdemeanors”, and when one high-strung Jewish woman says, “better a murderer”, you’ll hear the punch line in your head before it is said on-screen: “than he becomes a Christian!”


The 1930s-based romance follows NY native Bobby Dorfman (Eisenberg) as he travels to Hollywood and back only to find himself in a love triangle with his uncle, played by Carell, and his uncle’s secretary, portrayed by Stewart.

While some actors refuse to work with Woody Allen, due to allegations of child sex abuse made concerning his then 7-year-old adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, Kristen takes a different approach to the director’s reputation.


It’s hard not to appreciate the fondness, but it would be nice if the movie had a point. “You’re gonna spend three months making this thing'”. Allen said that the idea for the movie was originally conceived as a “novel on film”. Moreover, Bobby himself is a professional toady who manages a club dedicated to cosseting the fabulous. For that, Kristen says it had more to do with the characters they were playing in Equals. I want to keep up with him. Rather than flawless a film, he’d rather move on to the next one. “I can be light and poignant, but I just tend to have a slightly more weighted energy”.

Woody Allen Told Kristen Stewart Not To Walk Like A Sailor