
Sylvester Stallone Praises ‘Rocky’ Toddler’s Viral Workout

Stallone re-uploaded the video of the little boy named Charlie as he mimics Rocky’s various exercises in time with the film, which can be seen playing in the background.


Sylvester Stallone responded to a video of a toddler in OH who recreated his training scene from the original Rocky film.

The boy’s father, Zack Magilavy, posted the video on his Facebook page saying he’s been training the workout for the past year.

There are few moments in cinematic history as iconic as the training montage in the Rocky movies.

He joked that he’ll take on the toddler in a match in a few years time after being wowed by his moves. Whenever he’s doing push-ups, Charlie’s also down on the ground. When Rocky does a push up, Charlie gets on the floor.

It’s even caught the attention of the Italian Stallion himself, actor Sylvester Stallone, who on Wednesday suggested that he may have to one day fight the tyke in “Rocky 10”.


Apparently, the boy has been emulating Stallone’s Philly pugilist for the previous year, and after his father put the video online, it quickly went viral, garnering an astonishing 2.4 million views.

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