
Victoria Beckham’s birthday kiss on daughter’s lips causes uproar

Beckham by posting photos of themselves kissing their children on the lips with the hashtag #KissYourKids. Do you think it’s ok or inappropriate to kiss your children on the lips?


Victoria Beckham unintentionally sparked controversy over the weekend after she posted a photo of herself kissing her 5-year-old daughter on the lips. People have left comments on the photo saying ‘urgh’ and ‘It is unusual to kiss your parents on the lips’.

“This is disgusting”, one user wrote in response to the photo. “I’m not trying to be rude but it’s true”. “Hope she gets so passionate with @davidbeckham”, another skeeved-out person grossly commented.

Some of the comments that Victoria has received are quite harsh.she has been called ‘weird’, “odd’ and has been accused of ‘sexualising’ her young daughter. This is a lovely photo and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it”, one comment said.

Entertainment Tonight reports that Liz Brewer, a social etiquette expert, was consulted on the picture.

“Because of course, there’s nothing wrong with parents and even other family members kissing children on the lips – as long as children are happy with it”. What kind of messed up planet is this? “With children, I wouldn’t have thought it’s a particularly good habit to get into but it’s her child and she’s at liberty to do what she thinks is best”.

“I find it deeply upsetting that people are now being abused for publicly showing their child love and affection”.


“There’s plenty of things shared on social media which are “disgusting” however, the unconditional love between a child and parent is certainly NOT one!” If she feels it’s appropriate, so be it. The photo is of the two Beckham girls kissing on the lips.something which everyone is starting to debate and question whether or not it is OK for parents to kiss their children on the lips.

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