
Secret Features Nintendo Doesn’t Explain in Pokémon GO

VIDEO: What’s the hype over Pokemon Go?


For Android: To update the Pokemon Go users must be using devices with Android 4.4 version or above.

I chatted with gaming industry host Ali Baker about why she is loving the game and she explained that it’s such a unique combination of characters she loves and real world play. But the Kyoto-based company had generally shied away from the smartphone game market, even as earnings suffered.

However, how do you know which Pokemon to look for? “For younger players especially, the usual advice applies here – be careful where you go and who you talk to”.

The game is being credited as the first mainstream use of augmented reality, and its popularity has resulted in several unintended side effects.

The Washington Post recently reported that the Washington Holocaust Museum was trying to have itself excluded from the wildly popular Pokemon GO app, as visitors were wandering the building in the hopes of catching rare Pokemon.

Niantic, the game’s maker, says no personal information has been accessed, and it is issuing a bug fix to correct the problem.

Some rural users have taken to spoofing simply because there isn’t enough Pokemon Go-odness in their respective areas, but Niantic would clearly prefer this didn’t happen.

Don’t worry, all your data is attached to your Google or Pokémon Trainer Club account, but having it attached to your correct Apple ID will mean you can use microtransactions. Then sign out the game and sign back in with your Google account.

This will complete the process and Pokemon Go will now only have Basic access to your Google account. In response, the makers of Pokemon Go have said people should “play with friends when going to new or unfamiliar places” and “remember to be safe and alert at all times”.


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NSPCC Wants UK Release Of Pokemon Game Delayed