
Judge suggests Goodell, Brady appear in court Aug. 12, 19

Following the announcement of Goodell that the NFL chose to uphold Brady’s four-game suspension, the Patriots star took to social media to express his disappointment over the decision.


The judge responded later in the day by scheduling a settlement conference for August. 12, “including, without limitation, Mr. Goodell and Mr. Brady”, and a second meeting a week later.

In an order on Friday, Berman asked all sides to engage in “comprehensive, good-faith settlement discussions” prior to an August 12 conference, which Goodell and Brady might attend.

The NFL and the players’ union say they want a New York judge to resolve their dispute over Tom Brady’s suspension by September 4.

Wells blamed two Patriots employees, but his report said Brady was “at least generally aware” of the plan to deflate footballs, which can make them easier for quarterbacks to grip. He requested the presence of both Tom Brady and Roger Goodell.

The union did not ask the judge to let Brady play while he decides the case.

“The court decided the case should be heard in New York because the NFL filed first there”, he told The Associated Press in an email Thursday. Neither side is requesting additional evidence, which means Goodell and Brady would be unlikely to testify. The NFL has countered with Goodell having jurisdiction over such matters in the CBA, something the players agreed to when the lockout ended in 2011. Finally finding a matter that both parties approved of, Berman quickly agreed and cited that all concerns should be resolved and finalized before Week 1 of the NFL season.

In a new filing Friday, the union denied the NFL’s claims against Brady, saying the quarterback hadn’t been put on notice he could be suspended for equipment tampering.

“It is hard to imagine any person in Goodell’s position even attempting to serve as arbitrator under these circumstances, but that is exactly what he did”, the union said. The judge’s decision will be based exclusively on oral arguments by lawyers.

Brady and the players’ union filed their suit Wednesday in Minnesota.


Kessler had said the lawsuit should be heard in Minnesota because it was related to a case involving Adrian Peterson’s suspension last season.

Tom Brady headshot