
Tim Kaine Auditions as Hillary Clinton’s VP, Slams Donald Trump

Clinton’s campaign said the spot ‘makes voters ask which candidate – Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump – they are comfortable with their children watching as President’.


“He’s more of a risk”, one Democrat close to Clinton said.

Afterward, she held a closed-door meeting at the Capitol with Senate Democrats on unifying the Democratic Party.

Mrs. Clinton and her campaign celebrated the Justice Department’s decision not to indict her as a legal victory, but the political fallout appears significant, at least for now. Meantime, Trump is concerned with picking the right running mate for his campaign, one who appeases both his voting base and Republicans who aren’t supportive of his candidacy for president.

In this photo taken June 15, 2016, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in Hampton, Va. Clinton plans to portray Republican Donald Trump as an erratic and unfit steward of the nation’s economy, returning to OH to press the case that workers would bear the brunt of the business mogul’s policies.

In Pennsylvania, 43-percent of respondents said they’d vote for Trump while 41 percent say they’d vote for Clinton.

Clinton’s numbers aren’t much better: If she’s elected, 48 percent say they would be afraid and 46 percent say they would feel regretful.

Although black Protestants are strongly in favor of Clinton, 50% of white mainline Protestants prefer Trump, the survey found.

“It was a cynical, calculated attempt to fan the flames of racial division, and also to undermine people’s faith in our judicial system”, Clinton said.

The one-minute ad that will in swing states on cable television and online puts Trump on the screen delivering some of his most infamous lines about violence against protesters and voters with kids in front of the boob tube looking frightened.

Nomiki Konst, the host of “The Filter” on SiriusXM Progress, a member of the Democratic Platform Committee and a Bernie Sanders surrogate, says the senator’s efforts have started “a hardy debate over the soul of the Democratic Party”, particularly as it relates to the party’s official platform. This may be the biggest unknown variable of her VP pick. “The goals we will strive for, the principles we will live by”.

“There’s no question she knows it’s going to be tough”, said Sen Richard Blumenthal of CT. She said Warren “would be fantastic” and she likes Brown’s stance on worker issues.

“I need you at my side, because this is your election”, she said.

“I think he inspires trust, human decency”.

During a time of strained race relations in America, it’s unsurprising to see stark contrasts in the way white Republican voters and African-Americans, who are overwhelmingly Democratic, view presidential candidates.

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points for its residents data and plus or minus 3.5 percentage points for registered voters.


Women are more likely than men to have a favorable opinion of Clinton, 40 percent to 33 percent.

Hillary Clinton