
Sanders and Clinton: “We’re stronger together”

With both candidates saying, “we’re stronger together”, Bernie Sanders today endorsed Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee and Hillary Clinton pledged to fight for most of the goals of Sanders’ “political revolution”.


“Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs”, Trump said on Twitter.

Trump senior policy adviser Stephen Miller said in a statement released during Sanders’ endorsement of Clinton that the Vermont senator is “endorsing one of the most pro-war, pro-Wall Street, and pro-offshoring candidates in the history of the Democratic Party”.

“Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for president and I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States”, Sanders said.

Bernie Sanders may have broken the internet Tuesday morning when he spent more than 20 minutes endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

Many Sanders supporters have voiced their opposition to Clinton, refusing to vote for her regardless of her party stance.

How do you feel about Sanders’ endorsement of Clinton? The FBI concluded after an investigation that it would not recommend criminal charges against Clinton, though its director, James Comey, said the probe had shown Clinton and others had been “careless”. When Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a Clinton supporter, told the audience, “We need to elect Hillary”, some Bernie supporters stood and shouted, “No”, which was followed by chants of “Hillary” in the crowd.

How do you feel now that Sanders has endorsed Clinton?

Accepting the endorsement of her primary rival, Clinton said she was happy to be working with someone who has energized the primary process.

Clinton told the crowd, which included some Sanders supporters who have been slow to come to Clinton’s side, that she was overjoyed to welcome “friends, old and new”.

“In these stressful times for our country, this election must be about bringing our people together, not dividing us up”, Sanders said.


In a statement, the Trump campaign said Sanders was now officially part of the rigged system the senator had criticized during his long primary battle with Clinton. “Sanders was not true to himself and his supporters”.

Bernie Sanders Supporters Bash Him for Hillary Clinton Endorsement: 'I've Never Felt So Betrayed'