
Pokemon GO Lands In The UK

If fortyseven communications, the agency which represents Pokemon Go developer Niantic is to be believed, don’t expect it in your country any time soon.


Bhargava’s comment was made during the launch of Pokemon Go.

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington asked people not to play Pokemon Go on their phones during their visit, branding it “extremely inappropriate”.

“When creating these games companies must consider the potential risks to young users and do everything they can to make sure their app doesn’t put them in danger”.

Niantic’s previous game, Ingress, features a network of brands mapped to on-street locations, the FT said, adding that CEO John Hanke hinted at similar advertising in Pokemon Go. Augmented reality games have been around for more than a decade, so what was it about Pokemon GO that allowed it to become a global phenomenon?

In the game, players walk around real-life neighbourhoods to find virtual cartoon or Pokemon characters on their smartphone screens. The areas where the game was not released, the data was evenly positive as people were playing this game using methods, like one mentioned here.

The recent ban on the use of English language in video games released in China, coupled with the fact that to play Pokemon Go it is necessary to have a Google account (blocked in the country) the game’s arrival in the Chinese video game market, the largest in the world with $7 billion in revenue a year ago, is unlikely.

A Pokemon Go styled Game of Thrones game is something that the GoT fans would love to have on their phones.


And yet, we all know that this isn’t a barrier for those who want to play the game on the iPhone because many users created US accounts for the App Store in order to download Pokemon Go legitimately and without waiting for Nintendo to launch it in their countries. From Twitter trolls to Whats App messages, the game has taken over all conversations across the globe.

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