
The Republican Revels Begin

Democratic Party engagement chairwoman and former state Sen. Anyone attentive to the current Republican race for the presidential nomination is aware of how extreme that party’s base has become when all candidates make lunatic overtures on issues, and when Donald Trump leads the pack because of his irresponsible, inflammatory and unsupportable rhetoric, meant to agitate right-wing populists.


The next televised GOP debate will take place September 16th.

“Scott Walker isn’t the only Republican who ferociously targeted public workers”, Kaptur told members of the national media.

Richard Fale, chair of the Honolulu County Republican Party, one of four major county organizations under the Hawaii Republican Party, says these debates bring fresh ideas and push the best candidates forward. This has left those with lower poll numbers to feel that they needed to use insults or outrageous stunts to draw the press attention they will need to lift them into the top 10.

Janice Neal said, “I came away really impressed with what each candidate had to say”. “We’re moving on from what was a dispirited election”. The victor? Herman Cain, according to a Fox focus group. All of these factors and personalities gave rise to the Tea Party and its companion “birther movement”.

Hawaii has long been a Democratic state and Republicans are hoping to turn things around for the next presidential election. Believing that they could ride this insurgency to victory, they fed the beast of anger and frustration. Smart and thoughtful candidates like Jon Huntsman were drowned out by the circus-like antics of those who played to the base instincts of the majority.

Sparks planned a GOP trivia game at his party. “So I will. I think Mitt Romney won”.


All signs point to the fact that the same tragicomedy will be playing out this year. As my brother, John Zogby, is fond of saying, America needs a third party-the Republican Party of old. Like George W. Bush in 2000, he chose not to participate in the debate, leaving the stage to five contenders. (Yes, this is your opportunity to call me out on this.) The agenda gave us an organized plan as a big picture and we could see how the pieces fit together.

10 Candidates Participating in First GOP Presidential Debate Will Keep Things