
US legislator: Nigerian military needs training, not arms, to defeat Boko

However, since then, a wave of attacks by Boko Haram militants has forced tens of thousands across the border to Niger’s arid southeastern region of Diffa – worsening a dire humanitarian situation, whilst Boko Haram continues to step up attacks.


“The recent statement by President Muhammadu Buhari on government’s readiness to negotiate with credible members of the sect has rekindled the hope for dialogue”.

The Executive Secretary of the centre, retired Air Commodore Yusuf Anas, disclosed this when he briefed newsmen on sundry national issues, including cattle rustling and National Assembly crisis in Abuja.

Mr. Anas said the option of dialogue is no doubt a hard sale as suggested by many prominent Nigerians.

He said the crisis had the potential to plunge the nation into further chaos by adding more problems to a polity that had already been bedeviled by a myriad of problems.

Boko Haram fighters in boats opened fire on our forces on the island of Tchoukou Dallah”. It didn’t even lack drums which it purchased from China.

“But we are looking forward to a great difference in the relationship, a proactive relationship and one in which we can provide a greater level of support, ” he said. We have contributed countless billions of dollars of military and large ships to the Navy.

The United States will soon relax or completely lift the restriction on military assistance imposed on Nigeria under the country’s Leahy Law, U.S. congressman, Darrel Issah, said Monday.

The incident is a reminder of the threat of Boko Haram, which has since 2014 captured 5500 civilians in Nigeria.

“Boko Haram we will find you wherever you are“, she said.

Congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee, in her contribution, expressed confidence that Boko Haram will be defeated. African Union has now recognised that Boko Haram is a threat to the region.

“We noticed that in the different villages there is a certain population of foreigners and they are hiding behind some Cameroonians and hiding those Boko Haram suspects”, Mr Bakary said.


The congresswoman, Federica Wilson said Nigeria is in the news for both the good and bad reasons. Parents of the Chibok girls have been campaigning for their release for over a year.

Cameroon expels thousands of Nigerians in Boko Haram fight