
This Woman Was Decapitated After Having Sex On A Railroad

Then, the train decapitated her. It’s not the first time someone has gone out doing what they love, in August of a year ago a couple fucked themselves to death off a French fortress.


This is what WikiLeaks revealed about Boris JohnsonAccording to Russian news agency Pravda the woman and her partner were both homeless and were drunk at the time of the accident.

I still hope she came first.

He explained: “Had she remained in her previous position, she would have stayed alive”.

The pair was having sex close to the Zaudinskaya station in remote Buryatia region, reports The Siberian Times. And a mother along with her two children were hit recently, as well.

Of all the places you could choose to spend a night of passion. a railway line in Siberia cannot be high on the list. Apparently, the woman made a decision to cross the track (with her one and two-year old babies in tow) at an area where there was no crossing allowed.


The train company has issued another warning to the public urging people to respect health and safety issues as well as to be more responsible for themselves and people around them while around railway tracks.

Woman is BEHEADED by a train while having SEX beside railway track