
Proposal for NYC underground park moves forward

However over in New York City, it seems that the city has approved a new park, but this won’t be like Central Park, it will be the world’s first underground park. The space is roughly 60,000 square feet and runs underneath Delancey Street between Clinton and Norfolk streets. The project has been pushed by developers for years and would encompass at least one acre using solar technology to maintain lush gardens underneath the streets of one of the densest cities in the country.


According to the city’s Economic Development Corporation, the Lowline “offers a valuable opportunity to bring more visitors at all times of day to support the neighborhood’s diverse array of independent shops and restaurants”. “For eighty years, this underground space has sat idle”.

The Lowline-the subterranean park project dreamt up by a former NASA engineer (and architect)-is one step closer to reality: the city of NY has provisionally approved the use of the space, requiring that the group fundraise $10 million and submit its plans within the next 12 months.

Located beneath Manhattan’s Lower East Side, the park will serve as a place for both the local community and New York’s countless tourists to hang out.

Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen says “we can’t wait to see this experiment unfold”.

But getting the approval from city regulators is just the first of many tasks the Lowline’s creators will need to overcome.


In order to move forward with the project, the city requested the organizers meet three requirements: They must create a community engagement plan that includes five to 10 ” public design charrettes” and community meetings.

City allows gardeners to build Lowline