
Nintendo sending takedown requests to Pokemon Go pirates

For regions still waiting for the official launch of Pokemon GO in their countries, the game launching in Germany and the United Kingdom is an encouraging sign that it should be released in more locations shortly. Various historic locations in Washington are warning players not to play the augmented reality game if they decide to visit.


Businesses will pay Niantic for every person that arrives there by way of Pokemon Go. It’s an incredibly enticing premise; restaurants, bars, and stores are already paying money to plant lures for players, and the results have so far been incredible.

Pokemon Go has become a global phenomenon and the data now has started to reveal some exciting insights into the game usage patterns as well. Developer Niantic Labs tried to fix the crashing problems with its very first update to the smartphone app, but it seems the update has only brought a new error: “unable to authenticate”.

UNDETERRED FANS But the calls for a boycott, and the fact that Pokemon GO hasn’t even been released in China, have not deterred fans.

The creature in the game excretes noxious gas, which some deemed inappropriate due to the use of poison gas during the Holocaust to murder millions of Jews.

Players of Niantic’s last AR game Ingress will be familiar with sponsored locations. After just a few days, the game has rocketed to the top of the Play Store, including the list of top grossing apps.

App users, or trainers, search for Pokemon and try to build up an army of Pokemon by collecting as many characters as possible.

PokeStops are supposed to all be on public property or private sites that have agreed to take part, but at least one homeowner has reported that his historic house is mistakenly a PokeStop.


Authorities and others are warning trespassers they could get arrested or worse – especially if they cross paths with an armed property owner.

What 'Pokémon Go' Could Be Like if it Was Really Augmented Reality