
Trump VP pick is IN governor Pence

While Pence had not responded to the announcement, the Hillary Clinton campaign was quick to offload some of its opposition-research based dirt on him through social media.


“Donald Trump has selected as his running mate a man of unimpeachable integrity, broad experience and a deep love of this country”, Lt. Governor and Secretary of Agriculture Eric Holcomb said.

Republican White House candidate Donald Trump on Friday formally announced Mike Pence, the governor of IN, as his choice for vice president, ending weeks of intense speculation and putting a conservative stalwart on the ticket. Rod Adair on Friday described Pence as a cautious pick that is unlikely to dramatically improve Trump’s popularity.

“His legislative record puts Trump’s rhetoric on record and I do believe it’s the kind of record that we are going to have to put before the American people”, Cyburn said, calling the choice the “first indication of any substance to what Mr. Trump has been saying throughout his campaign”.

A news conference was set for Saturday in NY for the two men who will take on Hillary Clinton and her Democratic running mate in November.

The chairwoman of the Republican Governors Association is praising the choice of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as a vice presidential running mate despite her reservations about Donald Trump.

State law prohibits candidates from being on ballots in two contests, and Pence faced a noon Friday deadline for withdrawing from the governor’s race.

But Trump went ahead with the announcement.

There was no mention of how Pence’s position may have shifted since December, when he tweeted that Trump’s proposed temporary Muslim ban was “offensive and unconstitutional”. “We look forward to continuing to work with Governor Pence to promote the important role agriculture, including IN corn and soybean farmers, plays IN our nation’s economy”.

But Pence’s Friday deadline for dropping out of his re-election bid in IN made it impossible for Trump to pick the governor and then wait until the convention. He may be forced by convention to choose a running mate to occasionally share the stage, but in this relationship, Trump is on top.

Pence, a staunchly conservative 57-year-old, served six terms in Congress before being elected governor and could help Trump navigate Capitol Hill.


Trump was up against a clock in unveiling his pick.

Trump Tweet on Pence