
Newt Gingrich’s Fox News Contract Suspended

The decision comes amidst speculation that Gingrich may be tapped as presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate, which could give the appearance of network impartiality or conflicts of interest.


The move to suspend Newt Gingrich as a political contributor is a common one for politicians who work for news networks.

Trump is referring to the the famous “Cry Baby Newt” cover of Gingrich on the New York Daily News, which blamed the 1995 government shutdown on Bill Clinton making Gingrich sit in the back of Air Force One.

Per Pro Publica, it all started when Gingrich broached whether Trump’s successful campaigning would ever translate to governing. I mean, I’m at three, potentially four, ‘ Trump said.

The Fox anchor felt so strongly about Gingrich that Hannity reportedly flew the speaker out to meet Trump in IN on Wednesday.

New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who has been advising Trump for months, met with the candidate’s kids Tuesday.

Newt Gingrich, a finalist on Donald Trump’s vice presidential shortlist, flew to Indianapolis to meet with Trump on a private jet provided by Fox News host Sean Hannity, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

If the Republican Party get their way, the pick will be Mike Pence.

Trump may want Christie in heart, but Gov. Bridgegate is so scandal-riddled and unpopular that it may make even Donald Trump shy away from him. Jeff Sessions and retired Gen. Michael Flynn.

Trump did not say when he planned to announce his running mate. If Pence – who has had his policy difference with Trump and is less well known on the national stage – gets the nod as running mate, he would have to quit his re-election race under IN law.

“I’m getting attacked from all sides”, Trump told The Wall Street Journal Tuesday.


The rhetorical question Gingrich posed has cause to fuel speculation that Trump is favoring Pence as his vice presidential pick.

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