
Yelp adds “PokeStop Nearby” filter to help you load up on PokeBalls

For the uninitiated, “Pokemon Go” is an app that merges features of the classic late-90s series with modern smartphone technology, allowing players to visit landmarks all over the country where they can spot and try to capture the virtual creatures. Yelp realizes this Venn Diagram of opportunity, and has implemented a new filter for you to search only for businesses that have nearby PokéStops.


Yelp is no longer just a check-in and review website. But, hey, speaking from experience, posting up at a bar that has a Pokestop over it and busting out a lure is a great way to catch Pokemon while drinking some beer.

When Pokemon Go disrupted everyone’s lives last week, it injected hometowns across the world with a little bit of mystery alongside loads of digital pocket monsters.

“In order to leave no PokeStop unturned, we need your help!” it said. When users check in to a new location, they can flag Yelp to identify that spot as a Pokestop. According to the company, gamers have already surfaced “thousands” of places near PokeStops in the past day, and it expects a lot more places will be added in the coming days and weeks. “With your help, we’ll become Pokemon masters in no time”.


You can find the new PokeStop filter in Yelp right now for Android and iOS, but only in the US, Australia, and New Zealand.

Nintendo shares have been on a tear since the Japanese company released its newest game Pokemon Go on Thursday. The stock surged nearly 25% in Tokyo on Monday after jumping 9% on Friday. The new smartphone game has players exploring their real-life