
#NeverTrump movement died in Cleveland last night

Even Morton Blackwell, a prominent NeverTrumper who was the leading the efforts at undermining Reince Preibus’ authority, was also wary of any effort to snatch the nomination from Trump’s grasp.


“That is a God-given right”, Unruh said. It goes on to state the roster of speakers was “confirmed by two people with direct knowledge of the convention planning”.

The last gasp of the #NeverTrump movement came following a truncated debate and a voice vote against allowing Republican delegates to “follow their conscience”. “It’s over, folks”, says an Iowa delegate. They could discover an urgent need to get their nails done, their shoes shined or their stomachs filled.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman, celebrated the committee’s actions with a comment on Twitter.

Kendal Unruh, the Colorado delegate who authored the proposal, said afterward that she would try gathering the signatures of 28 rules committee members needed to force a convention floor showdown. The Trump family’s heavy involvement in the Republican Convention could signal that they’re about to throw a lot more support behind Donald Trump, meaning we might see them more regularly out on the campaign trail following the convention. A simple majority in favour of the rule change on the floor could bring it into effect.

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S., July 5, 2016. The Rules panel first altered language some had said could be interpreted to say delegates weren’t obligated to vote based on primary results.

It was clear from the start that the committee work wasn’t going to move smoothly or quickly.

A truce of sorts emerged after Trump called a New Mexico journalist last month to say that he respects Martinez and hoped for her endorsement.

“We represent an occasion for those running for president to speak to the nation’s most critical issues at a critical hour in this country”, Brooks told CNN. Meyers said. “How can this looming disaster get any worse?”

In one showdown, the rules committee voted 86-23 to reject an effort by conservatives to eliminate the RNC’s ability to change party rules in years between national conventions. Several key committees have been meeting this week.

Trump, as the presumptive nominee, is expected to address the convention Thursday night.

“A fantasy”, the rules expert said of the scenario.

Ultimately the amendment failed, with 23 delegates supporting it and 86 opposing. Mike Lee (R-Utah) the opportunity to make his argument. Ted Cruz, a primary rival. As far as anyone knew, there was no alternative candidate sitting out there ready to ride into Cleveland to accept the nomination of a party that would, at that point, be almost fatally divided between Trump supporters and those who want anyone other than Trump to be the nominee but who have long suffered from the problem of not being able to rally behind an alternative candidate.

Update: Donald Trump has said he will not be declaring his choice for vice president on Friday.


It’ll destroy the party.’ And then the other part was, vote your conscience. “Let’s reduce the influence-peddling, without appearance of impropriety”. “Delegates will not be denied”, co-founder Dane Waters said.

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