
Quotes on Boris Johnson choice as Britain’s chief diplomat

“The French foreign minister has sent me a charming letter just a couple of hours ago saying how much he looked forward to working together and to deepening Anglo-French cooperation”, Johnson said on Thursday.


Johnson has an uphill struggle ahead of him, Ayrault said, adding that “now he is the one to have his back against the wall, to defend his country and to clarify his relationship with Europe”.

May came to power with a reputation for acting with careful calculation, but with her choice of the voluble, publicity-craving Johnson as Britain’s representative on the world stage, she appears to have thrown her customary caution to the winds.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Johnson is a crafty party politician who managed to use the Euroskeptic mood for himself.

If you weren’t already anxious about the former Mayor of London becoming the country’s new foreign secretary, this 90 second compilation will do the trick.

Referring in French to the “ever closer union” clause that the United Kingdom wanted to drop from the EU treaty, he said this Franco-British union should be “toujours plus étroite”. “And I think we now have the opportunity to achieve that”, Johnson said.

During the run-up to the European Union referendum, in which Mr Johnson campaigned for Brexit, he criticised US President Barack Obama for advising Britain to vote for Remain. Known as a “safe pair of hands” Hammond will lead the British economy through the these Brexit times, however with tough policy decisions to be made Hammond’s aptitude will be likely tested.

As May continued the appointment process on Thursday, Johnson’s appointment was perceived as a joke, ridicule or worse across the world, particularly in the US, Europe and Turkey, where his wit and remarks in the past riled many.

David Davis completes May’s quartet being appointed to the special position of “Brexit” Secretary.

“With his new responsibilities we are expecting a more positive attitude from Mr. Johnson”, said the official, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation.

“Secretary Kerry spoke by telephone today with newly appointed UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to offer his congratulations”.


Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, Culture Secretary John Whittingdale and Cabinet Office Minister Oliver Letwin were other aides of former prime minister David Cameron dropped from the frontline and pushed to the party’s backbenches.

Boris Johnson leaves 10 Downing Street after being appointed Foreign Secretary following a Cabinet reshuffle by new Prime Minister Theresa May in London Wednesday