
Manafort: The ‘Never Trump’ Movement is “Nevermore”

Mr. Trump won enough bound delegates through Republican primaries and caucuses to be able to clinch the party’s nomination on the first ballot at the GOP nomination.


The three conventions – for delegates, for prime-time audiences at home and for big funders – will occur simultaneously, but they will occupy different dimensions of reality.

Hardly anybody wants to speak at Trump’s convention.

It’s black outfits today for the mourners of the passing of the #NeverTrump movement. But it also allows any delegate to take exception to that vote. If they vote for the minority report it could mean that Trump’s numbers are not as solid as they seem. That vote was 87-12.

Manafort continued: ‘And then the other part was, vote your conscience. “Most of the activity that you saw circling around the convention and focusing on the rules committee and the platform committee, there people weren’t even delegates!” Mike Lee (R-Utah), will continue to push for changes.

“None of them went as far in their refusal to attend the convention as Trump critic and Nebraska Republican senator Ben Sasse”, Myers explained before sharing an actual quote from Sasse on his alternative plans, “Sen”.

It was always going to be a long shot. “So I do believe that our party is overwhelmingly united”, said Noel Irwin Hentschel, a delegate for the 33rd congressional district who is leaving Los Angeles for Cleveland on Sunday.

“There were many delegates who didn’t come in as Trump delegates but are now avid Trump supporters”. “If we’re really representing the grassroots, we need to listen to those voters [who voted for Trump]”.

Donald Trump abruptly postponed plans to announce his vice presidential pick after an attack left scores dead in Nice, France, a decision that raised questions about Trump’s selection process.

Phillips spoke with me by phone on Thursday about his support for Trump and about the trip to Cleveland.

The unbinding effort has one final last chance, however. But given the resounding defeat in the committee Thursday night, getting the signatures needed may be impossible.

When the smoke cleared, Democrats adopted a rule that has stood to this day.

But proceedings were abruptly delayed different factions fighting over control of the party huddled privately to work out a deal on various rules proposals.

The talks were attempts to strike a deal to prevent an ugly and messy fight over the rules to wrest control of the party away from the RNC.


It helped that they had the Republican leadership, including chair Reince Priebus, on their side. “I think he’s cleared that up”.

Local GOP Delegates are ready for the National Convention