
Italian Police Arrest Homeless Man in Death of Wisconsin Student

ROME (AP) — Italian police say they have detained a homeless man in the death of an American student whose body was found in the Tiber River.


Police say a 40-year-old homeless man is under arrest but there is still no motive.

But on Monday, Solomon’s body was discovered in Rome’s Tiber River near the Marconi Bridge – that’s less than three miles from famous tourist destinations including the Colosseum. Solomon’s roommate said the two lost contact at about one in the morning, and he reported him missing on Friday morning when he failed to attend orientation.

UW-Madison said the school was working with John Cabot University, as well as American and Italian authorities, in the investigation.

Police are watching surveillance camera footage, tracking the signal from Solomon’s cellphone and investigating the use of his credit card after it was stolen, CNN reported.

Originally from Spring Green, Wisc., Solomon was the third of four boys, according to the Journal Sentinel.

His body had a deep head wound and his shirt was covered in blood.

Two witnesses told investigators they saw someone pushing a man into the Tiber on the night Mr Solomon disappeared, according to news agencies ANSA and Adnkronos. “Our hearts go out to Beau’s family and friends at this hard time”, said Black. The 19-year-old sophomore at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who was set to study at Rome’s John Cabot University, went missing in the early hours of Friday morning.

Solomon had recently completed his first year as a personal finance major at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

A statement issued by Solomon’s former school district called the former high school football star “an engaged student who made a meaningful impact”.

John Cabot University had said it was alerted by Solomon’s roommate, who reported that he had lost contact with Beau around 1 a.m. Friday and was anxious when Solomon didn’t show up for orientation later Friday morning.

His brother, Cole Solomon, remembered his brother for his courage in battling childhood cancer.

In 2012, a USA student was allegedly stabbed by his roommate, a fellow student at John Cabot University, after what police said was a night of alcohol and possible drug use. “My favorite part was when he was making faces at my baby brother, Max, to make him laugh while we were taking pictures”.

He previously studied at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College and University of Wisconsin-Richland.


Taylor Lewis, the study abroad coordinator at Viterbo University, says all students going overseas are educated on the dangers.

A van leaves for the morgue with the body of a young man who was found along the banks of the Tiber river in Rome Monday. Italian authorities on Monday were investigating the disappearance of a Wisconsin student in Rome a day after he arrived in the Itali