
GTA Online Gets New Stunt Races

Perhaps most exciting though, is the addition of a new tool called the “stunt race creator”, which will be available on August 2nd and lets users craft their own stunt races.


Moreover, 16 new stunt races will be added to the game which include tubular race tracks situated alongside towering buildings, race courses located across wide canyons and other places that every “Grand Theft Auto” fan will definitely enjoy.

Grand Theft Auto Online’s latest update, Cunning Stunts, is available now. Stay tuned to for full details when Cunning Stunts launches next Tuesday.

You can check out the “Cunning Stunts” reveal trailer below if you’re interested in how these races look in-game-or maybe if you’re feeling nostalgic for something with a bit of an F-Zero look to it.

Today, an update to GTA Online – the online multiplayer aspect to GTA 5 – has gone live, going by the name of Cunning Stunts. Keeping in line with the racing theme of the update, thirteen new vehicles from all the major racing classes are being added to the game.

Along with the new racing modes and tracks, GTA Online is also scoring 13 new vehicles. More than 180 new clothing items and 50 new tattoos were also added.


The things to expect for the GTA Online: Cunning Stunts expansion packs are massive, calling to mind a similar game in Trackmania. It will include these following features: new dynamic weather systems and better quality textures (such as real billboards, leaves falling from trees, tire marks on the road and more people on the streets).

GTA Online Cunning Stunts