
A Clinton-Warren Meeting Does Not Mean A Clinton-Warren Ticket

Now that we have an entire GOP presidential ticket along with an unfortunate-looking campaign logo, all eyes are on who Hillary Clinton will be choosing as a running mate – especially after another meeting with Elizabeth Warren at Clinton’s home on Friday.


The list of contenders for the vice presidential nomination is also said to include Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, Labor Secretary Tom Perez and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

But it seems like the choice that’s becoming less likely because Warren could be a risky pick for Clinton. It was unclear if other potential vice presidential candidates met with Clinton during the day.

Clinton and Warren campaigned together for the first time in 2016 in Cincinnati last month. Clinton also met with Hickenlooper while campaigning in Denver late last month, and he later told reporters that the vice-presidential search “briefly” came up.

Clinton was joined by campaign chairman John Podesta and vice chairwoman Huma Abedin.

“Warren left the house an hour after her vehicle dropped her off at the stately home on Whitehaven Street near Dupont Circle in Northwest Washington, D.C”.

Several political groups, including and Democracy for America, have campaigned for Sen.

Clinton is meeting with people Friday at her home to go over her running mate selection process, a source familiar with the process said. The senator is an economic populist and a favorite of liberals who would help Clinton connect with numerous progressives who backed Vermont Sen.

Hickenlooper, 64, is a relatively new name in the process and hails from another top battleground state. He would bring a Western presence to the ticket and offer a small businessman’s appeal to the ticket.


Castro is a 41-year-old former San Antonio mayor who delivered the keynote address at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

John Sommers II