
Republicans quick to praise Pence; Clinton rips Trump’s VP pick

“Voters deserve better than more of their divisive policies and “me-first” economic proposals”, Podesta said of Trump and Pence.


“Trump gets it and he understands the American people”. Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner also met privately with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Tuesday, NBC News reported.

Top party officials are already in Cleveland, where a committee voted late Thursday to rebuff a push to let delegates vote for any presidential candidate they’d like. Last month, Trump softened his position on the ban, saying the policy wouldn’t apply to Muslims from countries not typically associated with terrorism.

“It’s such an important time in the life of our nation, and this man is the right leader for America that I stepped up without hesitation”, Pence said.

There appeared to be as many Trump supporters as journalists in attendance at the announcemetn, as the businessman’s backers filled five rows of seats in a Hilton ballroom that was not expanded to its full size. One of the governor’s aides filed the paperwork with the Indiana Secretary of State’s office a few minutes after Trump announced that Pence would join him on the Republican ticket. “I think he will be a really good bridge bringing Republicans together”, he said on MSNBC.

“People who know me well know I’m a pretty basic guy – a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order”, Pence said.

“To prevent the alternative?” he said. “We look forward to continuing to work with Governor Pence to promote the important role agriculture, including IN corn and soybean farmers, plays IN our nation’s economy”. In introducing him, the nominee-in-waiting made sure to speak at length about changing a federal law that bars churches from engaging in political activity.

The joint appearance was meant to catapult the party toward a successful and unified Republican National Convention, which kicks off in Cleveland on Monday. “He fights for the people and he’s going to fight for you”, Trump added, calling Pence “a solid person”. Gingrich said he has been communicating with Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Don Trump Jr.

Other conservatives were also heartened by Trump’s VP pick, which the businessman announced in a tweet ahead of a joint appearance in his hometown of NY on Saturday.

Pence, 57, says he is a champion of smaller government and claims credit for the largest state tax cuts in IN history but he also won federal approval for Obamacare Medicaid expansion with added provisions that conservatives liked.

Trump spoke for the majority of the news conference in Midtown Manhattan before Pence came on stage to accept the invitation to serve.

Trump said he won the state of IN in a “landslide”.

Pence also had to notify the state whether he would withdraw from the reelection campaign for governor of IN by noon on Friday.

The Republican Party “had a competitive primary with him, enormous number of talented men and women”, Pence said. Clinton kept the logo despite the criticism.

However, the two differ on a range of issues crucial to Trump’s candidacy. By Friday, plans were back on track and Trump sent out a Twitter message announcing Pence as his running mate. But in doing so, Pence praised Trump.


The candidate and his aides reacted angrily over news leaks Thursday about Pence’s selection. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Sen.

The Bastille Day attack seemed to Donald Trump to be proof of a lot of things he had said for a long time