
Meghan Trainor is a bad American

Human Old Navy commercial Meghan Trainor gave an interview with Billboard, and if your hair isn’t completely pulled out in several small hair clumps strewn on the floor around you by the end of reading it, then you probably have a life.


“I was like, ‘There’s my manager, there’s my security, there’s my brother, and there’s my assistant, and they’re all protecting me.’ And I was like, ‘We can do this.’ And we did it until the last person left”, she said. Whether she’s trying to destroy the term “plus-size”, or she’s smashing Hollywood’s non-stop desire to Photoshop every single female by walking the walk in un-retouched music videos, we’ve always been able to count on the “All About That Bass” singer to tell it like it is and stand up for what’s right. “I’m nowhere near as famous as [Justin Bieber], but I’ve had creepy stuff sent to me”.

When pressed about who she is voting for in this upcoming presidential election-arguably the most important one in decades-Meghan, rather glibly, announced that she has “no desire to vote”.

“I knew of her really well”, she adds.

Meghan first heard of Christina while she was still in high school, and she praises the tragic singer for connecting with her as a fan. “You know who I am?’ She was so sweet”. “I was like, ‘I’m honored!'”

“It was very much like a little boy in the brain. So I’m looking [at] 35 and up”.


However, it seems Meghan’s relationship requirements are getting harder by the day as she recently revealed her mother has banned her from dating anyone but a movie star.

Meghan Trainor singing