
Andrea Leadsom Through To Final Round For Conservative Leader and Prime Minister

The contest now moves to its final stage with the Conservative Partys 150,000-strong membership deciding between May, a Remain campaigner with a long track record in government, and Leadsom, a strong Brexit campaigner with a background in business by postal ballot.


May won the support of 199 of her colleagues, while Leadsom came second on 84. After the surprising result, current Prime Minister David Cameron, who wanted Britain to stay in the European Union, said he would step down to allow his replacement to complete the European Union separation process.

The choice over who will run the country until 2020 now lies in the hands of Conservative Party members, who will vote in their leader by September 9.

Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, who is backing Mrs Leadsom, said she had “steel” but within the “velvet glove of compassion”.

Leadsom, a committed Christian who says she participates in a Bible study group in Parliament, said she is looking to “banish the pessimists” on the risks to the economy of leaving the EU. The betrayal probably hurt his leadership chances, fueling a view among Tories that he is disloyal. “Theresa’s (May) obviously done fantastically well and you know my commiserations to Michael (Gove), but I’m absolutely delighted with the result, thank you”.

Baker said” “I expect that whoever wins this contest, I will expect to row in behind the victor and I would expect every colleague in Parliament to reciprocate. Ms Leadsom has faced questions about her professional background in financial services, her tax arrangements and the sincerity of her support for Brexit.

May, Britain’s interior minister for the past six years, is the runaway favorite among lawmakers – but the Conservatives have a history of not choosing the favorite.

“This vote shows the Conservative Party can come together and that under my leadership it will”.

Mrs May, the Home Secretary, has the support of more than half of the parliamentary party and is the bookies favourite to be the next PM.

Leadsom lacks cabinet experience but played an impressive role in campaigning for a Brexit prior to the public voting for it on June 23.


The election had last night been hit by claims Mr Gove’s team were organising a “stop Leadsom” campaign to prevent the energy minister winning through to the final pairing.

Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom