
Trump, VP Pick Pence Appear Together for First Time

Overturning the decision was a key plank in the campaign of primary rival Bernie Sanders, who refused corporate donations. But she’s also stressed the need to get “secret, unaccountable money” out of the political system.


The reviews are in on Donald Trump’s announcement of Mike Pence as his VP, and they vary from calling Trump’s performance insane to pointing out that the Republican nominee demonstrated why he is not fit to be president.

Pence touted Trump’s pledges to repeal Obamacare, revive the coal industry and toughen the nation’s immigration policy.

Kennedy, who originally supported Ted Cruz, said the memory of Trump’s consorting with New York Democrats is still too fresh.

Trump spoke at length about his admiration for Pence’s record in Indiana. He came back for a photo with their families at the end of the governor’s remarks.

Raised in Columbus, Indiana, in an Irish-Catholic family, Pence revered the Kennedys growing up and has said he voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980. Trump is not scheduled to join him.

“Americans Indiana Governor Mike Pence was my first choice I’ve admired the work he’s done especially in the state of Indiana”.

Trump also emphasized the threat that “Islamic terrorism” poses to the world, and vowed that under his leadership with Pence, America would be safe. “His addition to the ticket will bring even more excitement to the voters who are eager to put a Republican in the White House and deny a third term for President Obama’s liberal agenda”. Still, he said it was instructive that Trump “can be influenced against what his instincts tell him”.

“He looks very good”, Trump added, discussing Pence’s appearance. “So many people have said party unity because I’m an outsider”, the real estate tycoon said in Manhattan.

He brags that they’ve been “crushed”.

The strong criticism Pence slapped Trump with after the NY billionaire called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.?

“Look forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence (who has done a spectacular job in the great State of Indiana)”.

“We’re seeing unrest in Turkey, a further demonstration of the failures of Obama-Clinton”, he told a crowd of supporters during a speech to introduce his newly appointed running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R).

The billionaire businessman strode first onto the stage that featured a backdrop of 10 American flags. He said he would champion “law and order” in the wake of this week’s terror attack in France. “He’s really got the skills of a highly talented executive”, he said.

“Mike Pence is a solid Republican”, said Tom Kennedy, an alternate delegate from Baltimore. “I was the single greatest non endorsement I have had in my life”. “Always divisive. Not so decisive”.

Trump’s campaign has strongly rejected the idea Trump had second thoughts about Pence. Campaign chairman Paul Manafort says Trump “never waffled” once he made his decision.

After introducing Pence, Trump left the stage, leaving his running mate front and center. Nevertheless, Trump tweeted his decision to select Pence as a running mate on Friday morning.

Pence, 57, is known as a social conservative and devout Christian.

There was little hoopla – and no questions, though Trump on Thursday had billed the event as a news conference.

Pence’s views may differ from Trump’s on certain issues, she said, but the governor supports the presumptive nominee on the core issues.

The two did not walk out together, appearing at each other’s side only after Trump delivered a rambling 28-minute address that included a plug for his new hotel in Washington.

Clinton’s team was already painting Pence’s conservative social viewpoints as out of step with the mainstream.


The selection of Pence was widely praised by conservatives within the Republican, many of whom continue to argue that Trump lacks conservative credentials making them tired about supporting him.

Mike pence VP PICK