
Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane to be arraigned via video Saturday

Charges have been filed against Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who allegedly leaked secret grand jury information and lied about it to a grand jury in an attempt to embarrass a former attorney in the Office of Attorney General.


Some are wondering what this high-profile case will do for the suburban prosecutor’s career.

“This is our chief law enforcement officer and I’m not sure how she can continue to serve”. Instead, Ferman put her hat in the ring for a county judicial seat. Kane has refused to resign claiming that a resignation would be an admission of guilt, and she is not guilty. Moreover, the evidence shows that Attorney General Kane undertook these actions seeking vengeance and retribution against other law enforcement professionals. Kane sought unsuccessfully to void the case with an appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Criminal charges were never filed against Mondesire.

“I will not allow them to discredit me”, she wrote in a 2014 email to her media strategist. “This is war”.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was charged on Monday with securities fraud. She can also be the second Pennsylvania lawyer basic charged within the final 20 years. Ferman charged the attorney general [press release, PDF] with counts that include perjury, criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

Though Kane would have 10 days to fight a suspension, Castille says a suspension would remove her from office because the state constitution requires the attorney general to have a law license.

Kane has acknowledged giving information to the Daily News but denied it was covered by secrecy laws.

In September, she exposed eight former employees of her office as having received or sent pornography on their state computers. “It seems like every week there’s a new scandal involving the alleged corrupt activities of Democratic elected officials such as Kathleen Kane, Rob McCord, and Chaka Fattah”.


Relying heavily on her trucking magnate husband’s wealth, the Scranton native campaigned as a disrupter of the status quo.

Video arraignment for charged Pennsylvania attorney general