
‘Ghostbusters’ Entertains and ‘Pays Respect’ to the Original

I’m not sure why Columbia pictures made a decision to reimagine Ghostbusters, but for some reason it did. With four comedic powerhouses (Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones), Feig and co-writer Katie Dippold had all of the ingredients to cook up the flawless recipe for hilarity. Wiig’s Gilbert speaks of an early experience with a ghost, which spiked her interest, but overall, the four leads are poorly developed and not at all interesting. The mix of the two just didn’t work like it did in the original.


Ghouls and anonymous Internet commentators – who have flocked to their thumbs-down buttons ahead of the film’s release – share plenty of characteristics. “She said that she should get possessed by the dog and turn into a dog, ‘ and I thought, ‘Damn, that’s a really good idea.’ That got included in the script. She was barely out of my office and we were writing it already”. Some of the film’s funniest moments are thanks to the uber-awkward flirting scenes between Wiig and Hemsworth’s characters. Some evidence: This photo of Kristen Wiig at the film’s LA premiere. Her old partner and fellow author Abby Yates (Melissa McCarthy) still believes in ghosts-and is proven right.

“For the role of Jillian Holtzmann, we needed an actress who could go outside the box”, Reitman stated. The three scientists investigate some ghoulish activities at a historical location in New York City.

The first question was: “How much fun was the film to make?” “All of my favorite movies and TV shows, comedies, are seeing people work together”.

Big-budget special effects are the enemy of comedy: they suck the air out. On one side you had the “ew, girls” collective of mouth breathers, and on the other side you had the “if you don’t like this, you’re a sexist monster” cult.

But the movie belongs to its stellar female cast. But it’s not so much the type of jokes that are written, some of it is extremely amusing, but it’s the lack of jokes that are written.

Especially, of course, McCarthy.

I have to admit, I did not know what to expect when I watched this new Ghostbusters film, but I am thrilled to say that I was not left disappointed. But McKinnon pulls her own in such an awesome way. The spooky beginning is really amusing, and bright gags pop up fairly frequently.

For Patty’s role, Feig said it finally hit him.


I get that fans are passionate about the things they love; I don’t understand the sense of ownership that so often accompanies today’s fandom and the personal offense many fans take whenever change occurs. Adding a public transit employee, Patty (Leslie Jones), with a deep historical knowledge of the Big Apple, the quartet venture into danger armed with some impressive updates on the original “Ghostbusters” hardware and some even more impressive scientific gobblygook. It just felt way more collaborative. “I lived in a house in Boulder, Colorado, that every time you walked up there, everyone who walked up there said, “Oh, I don’t like this.’ There was just a presence”.

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