
Why Hillary Clinton can’t dump Donald Trump

“We want to make sure what needs to be investigated is investigated”, said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.


Comey announced Tuesday that he’d cleared Clinton from potential prosecution over her use of a private email server, saying her actions were “extremely careless” but that no “reasonable” prosecutor would pursue the case.

“I have said, and I repeat, that it was a mistake to use personal email”, she added.

While Clinton told MSNBC there was “no evidence” hackers accessed her server, Comey said lack of evidence doesn’t mean her system was never compromised.

While Mrs Clinton’s Republican opponents have fumed at the decision not to file criminal charges, Mrs Clinton and her staff have disputed some of Mr Comey’s criticisms that undermine her argument she has better judgement than businessman Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential candidate.

At the same time Comey delivered his findings, Obama accompanied Clinton at a North Carolina campaign rally.

Director Comey said there were at least “three of the documents” with “portion markings on them”, the “C” denoting confidential/classified. And Republicans also have signaled they’re not done with election-year investigations of Clinton. She also said she only used one mobile device for emails and turned over all of her work-related emails to the State Department.

The committee’s chairman, Republican Representative Trey Gowdy, said the panel voted to approve the 800-page report, with seven Republicans in favor and four Democrats opposed, in a closed-door meeting.

Chaffetz said that if a regular person had done what Clinton was suspected of doing, they would have been arrested.

Prosecutors said that while his biographer, Paula Broadwell, was writing her book in 2011, Petraeus gave her eight binders of classified material he had improperly kept from his time as the top military commander in Afghanistan.

The probe, begun in January, was suspended in April so as not to interfere with the FBI’s inquiry.

Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told Comey that he would request the FBI investigate whether Clinton lied under oath to Congress.

“I did not send or receive any material marked classified, and I am very grateful for the hard work and professionalism of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice in resolving this matter”.

“So let’s get this straight: This is going to be an investigation of the decision that is an investigation of the emails that was part of the investigation of Benghazi”, she told reporters. Comey said the statute has only been used to press charges one case in the past 100 years, but that defendant pleaded guilty to different crimes.


Comey vigorously rejected Republican accusations that Clinton was given special treatment.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City N.J.,Wednesday