
Arizona GOP delegation sees Trump as inevitable nominee

News & Observer reporter Colin Campbell will be in Cleveland this week to cover the Republican National Convention. If the clause had been approved, delegates would have been unbound from any commitments made to any presidential candidate prior to the convention – even for the first ballot vote.


Sen. Roger Wicker, head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, is scheduled to speak at the convention Tuesday afternoon.

Cleveland hotels are sold out and downtown restaurants are booked as thousands of GOP delegates, protesters and media representatives have started rolling into town. “Usually, you have evening activities inside the convention, hearing from rising stars and experiencing the diversity that is the Republican Party”.

Gov. Phil Bryant also applauded Trump’s choice, calling Pence “a strong conservative leader in Congress” and “one of the nation’s leading Republican governors”.

Statewide, there are 76 delegates and 73 alternates.

Missouri’s two members of the convention rules committee – Harvey Tettlebaum and Pat Thomas – said they received hundreds of emails lobbying them to back a rule change freeing delegates of their obligation to vote for Trump. He said he’s ready for a festive affair. Ted Cruz. “There’s no shock here, this was expected”.

“We’re told that the Texas state convention is the largest political convention in the world”, Anderson said. “Otherwise, you’re dialing for dollars a lot of the time“. One candidate will win by a few percentage points thanks to base turnout, and we’ll have another blurry result that answers no essential questions in American politics.

Security preparations are getting a lot of attention in the wake of Thurday night’s truck attack in Nice, France.

Despite being bound to Cruz in all rounds of voting, Cozzens isn’t convinced that delegates should be forced to vote for a candidate they don’t necessarily support, specifically pointing to previous Supreme Court rulings asserting that state laws can’t trump national party rules. Reports continued to surface in recent days, however, about groups looking to block the nomination. The Secret Service is managing security inside the secure area.

The convention was the last stand for a “Never Trump” movement determined to keep Trump from becoming the nominee.

“The only concerns I have is that if the portion of the party that is “Never Trump” decides not to participate in the process”. Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams said in May that the number of police officers working in the security zone surrounding the convention would be “in the thousands”, according to The Associated Press, with the city working with Cuyahoga County and the state prison system to ensure it would have room to sustain mass arrests, if necessary.

He is prepared for a scenario of unrest among attendees.

Republican nominees John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012 addressed the NAACP conventions.

“This time will be different”. Washington’s August 2 state primary is right around the corner, and there are no votes to be had in Cleveland. “There could be walkouts if Trump is nominated, and if he’s not nominated, there certainly will be walkouts”.


They’ll be busy adopting rules and a platform, and listening to speeches from prominent Republicans on the values of the party. The NeverTrump idea survives, barely, because if supporters can gather enough support, they can force the convention to vote on their proposal.

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